11 June 1957

11 June 1957

Upon reading: How to Write and Sell Non-Fiction by Hal Borland.

How I put my children on an allowance:

going to the store – “buy me something” – Alice’s problem too. Go to the store to buy what you want. When the youngster wants “mommy” to buy something – say: “no, not in the store” – but when I finished my shopping you can do your shopping with this nickel or dime.” The prestige value of doing their own shopping, curbs their spending, whining, and gives them responsibility to shop wisely. Helps keep mother’s pocketbook intact.


How I taught my children to understand the value of numbers. Pennies, nickels, dimes. To build into pyramids five pennies worth a nickel to nickels worth a dime etc.


How my children were taught to let me know where they were going. They took off one day. They still call me or tell me when they leave the house.


Working women are letting down their children.


Take, common items maize, salt, cinnamon, spices, cooking items, and who looks into their history – rubber, for instance: how rubber was discovered, its uses, etc. The whole fascinating stories may never be known, but a dozen stories could be written, and most of them would be new to most readers.

For instance:

There was a time not too long ago when bread was only baked at home – sewing, weaving, which were done at home. Now we go to the store for these items. Most modern youngsters know nothing of this historical information, nor do they realize how recently past were these activities. Also many older folks would understand modern things better. They could also get a bit of nostalgia about the “olden” days.

Ask yourself these questions:

What does it mean?

How can it be used?

Where does this lead?

Who invented this, and why?

Has any effect on human life? If not why not?

The answers will give you leads, either to stories or to areas of research that will provide stories.

Use the who, what, where, why, when and how of journalism, but decide which W of journalism you will slant your article to, always with “why” underlying your theme. The “why” is the summing up of the writer’s own curiosity and the proof of his ability to analyze a situation or character an event or process. Without the why there would be little reason for writing – or publishing, most articles and nonfiction books.

Choose your topic with some regard for reader interest and know what you are writing about

Take any subject you wish. Poke into it, examine it, turn it inside out. Ask yourself questions about it – the answers will give you all kinds of leads, either to stories or to areas of research that will provide stories.

A writer is consumed by one question – WHY?

It is the writer’s function to find out why and tell the reader and it doesn’t matter whether he is writing fiction or nonfiction. He is an interpreter of the world to the readers. Without wanting to know the answers to why, without that basic curiosity, no matter how apt with words he is, he is not a writer. Without wanting to know the answers he has nothing to say.

You may choose any topic for writing. The two basic necessities are that you care about your subject or learn enough about it to make your story different from anything ever written about that particular subject.

A loaf of bread: Topic

History of – story of wheat – bread’s most important ingredient. How bread is baked commercially, a process story. There is a story in how bread is distributed, a sales story. Bread packaging and advertising – an advertising story. Also personal stories – Baker who became entrepreneur. Nutrition story. Varieties of breads. Why they have special appeals in certain regions. The story of the sandwich, a particular use of bread. Nostalgic story about homemade bread, bread and milk, bread and jam, bread and sugar. Story of yeast – the leavening agent of bread. Story of sourdough bread, the standby of woodsmen and pioneers. Story of toast and toasters. Byproducts story in sale of breadcrumbs and ready-made poultry stuffing.

Also on the topic of SHIRT:

“Keep your shirt on” – Where did it originate? Start with the shirt on your back and you can land way back in history, in a scientist’s laboratory, or in the middle of the Mississippi.

Start anywhere and let your imagination go. The materials for writing are all around you. Get an idea and begin to dig for facts. But first start with an idea.

The thought occurs to me – like many of the metals – new – things about companies – one could in interpret to the general public to bring the workings of Corporation closer to the public at large. This could fill a twofold purpose – get information for myself – also – bring big business closer to the public, to create a better understanding of problems of business or how they do serve the public.

Laundries – how food is shipped to cities – how people’s needs are supplied, etc.

As a writer your invaluable possession is your ability to see a story, to write a story, and to make a readers see the story you saw in the beginning.

The daily newspaper is essential – it represents all aspects of life.

The weekly magazine summarizes most of the important events and gives, in one place, the broad picture. It often fills in background perhaps lost or scattered in the daily newspaper.

Then there are general magazines which more and more fill in the background, the WHY, of the news

Getting to the story.

  1. Fill in your own background. Find out all you can about your subject.
    1. About a person – see “Who’s Who” in America.
    2. Newspaper morgue – get out clippings available on your subject.
    3. Readers guide – follow-up the references there on your subject.
    4. When you have the background material – go see for yourself and be prepared to ask intelligent questions and understand the answers.

Go to the source of possible on the scene facts: place or man. Write or telephone for an appointment. Small organization – contact man directly. Large organization – contact the public relations department. Tell what material you want. Name them man or men you wish to talk with – what kind of story you wish to write; if possible where it will be published. Suggested date and time, with an alternative.

Suppose it is a “milk” story. Recent price increase has raised more than usual attention about dairymen, milk distributors, consumer, profit.

Know the background. Read major articles in readers guide on milk published in the past two years.

Most people, including myself, do not know what is happening to them in our rapidly changing America:

  1. Family living has changed
    1. Live apart.
    2. Some like it, some don’t.
    3. Families are not close – to busy buying a house, material possessions – no time to enjoy. others – cost of entertaining to high – scramble to send their children through college is expensive.

Or: It used to be children were seen and not heard – now parents are seen and not heard – child centered world of suburbia. The toll is great – juvenile delinquency – no guidance etc.

Or: Are we becoming so enamored with scientific and material miracles, we have made them more important than people.

How about a short story based on Steve Treer.

Theme: He deludes himself into thinking he wants a place for his kids and a home with a swimming pool – goes into business – works, puts all his money into his business expansion. He makes money, and more money. The story finally shows he is really interested in business and money – not in a better life. Brought up in a tough neighborhood where the whole struggle for life teaches him to outwit, outplay the other fellow – Steve’s jokes on people. Your truck is rolling into the street – It is the game, his desire to have his own particular brand of fun which ties him to his business – not his true needs.

Or Body, the patent attorney who is anxious to make a lot of money to leave his family in luxury, while his son is without a father. Body is too busy with “business”. He meets a woman at a Bar Association meeting. She is more interested in teaching her son how to live a life rather than leave him money. It changes his outlook on life – or does it – is there only a “Point of No Return”.

10 June 1957

10 June 1957

Zell laughed when the newspaper commentators and critics called her an “overnight” success when she sang at the nightclub in NY.

“it was a long night” was her comment.

Why? Because she had been working at singing and dancing for years and years. Then, she was an “overnight” success.

Jist of this article:

Success does not come to those who are not prepared: that is, no success of any lasting value. In order to be a success in any field – you must work at it.

We take it for granted in ordinary jobs in which we acquire our common know-how with the least amount of effort.

A typing course for a year – makes one a typist. A Wall Street success comes to the man who was studied.

Nothing comes with a pink ribbon without effort except perhaps a Christmas or birthday gift from a relative.

If you want to achieve something – there is only one way to do it: in music business art etc. – you work at it, brother, you work at it!


An article on what has been the pattern in our modern child training.

  1. No respect for others – too much consideration and pampering of the child.
  2. Self-expression without regard to the rights of others.
  3. Parent has become regularly Santa Claus denying nothing within the pocket for the child.

Result: A generation of children who think the world owes them everything; children who feel they owe the world nothing. Why? Because parents have made them into selfish little beasts without regard for the parents, therefore, without regard for those around them.

3 June 1957

3 June 1957

Stopped at Mrs. Watson’s to pick up the Wall St. Journals. Edwin came in. He fell off a ladder, hurt his back, and almost broke his arm yesterday. Also, someone stole his wallet at Five Points – drunk again, I presume.

He said: “I’m sure living having a run of bad luck.”

I said: “Doesn’t the saying go ‘luck is what you make of it’?”

Mrs. Watson said: “Luck may be what you make of it, but how you take it is what counts.”

… Interesting…


One cannot control one’s environment often. What one should aim at is control over oneself.


This attitude does not put an unnecessary burden upon the individual.


28 May 1957

28 May 1957

Learning, no matter which field, is only as good as its foundation is.

One would be considered foolhardy if he tried to place furniture in a spot on the second floor of a house which had not yet been built, or to lay rugs in the space where a future floor was to be constructed next year. Yet perhaps because “learning” is an invisible abstraction, we take the liberty with it as we would be considered insane for attempting with visible material objects.

For example, to sharpen my point, anyone with a grain of sense in his head knows he cannot put a lamp on a table unless the table is resting on a firm surface and he has the lamp to put on the table. Still, one wants to play a piece of music with distinction, when he is not sure of the keyboard, musical notation, and its relationship to the piano keyboard. Another wants to write a novel, when he knows little or nothing of grammar or [what] the technique of the novel is supposed to be. A man wants to be rich yet has no particular knowledge which will bring him riches.

It is only when a firm foundation is constructed that learning can be acquired. He who wants to play the piano must learn the names of the keys on the keyboard. Also, he must learn to read musical notation. He must teach his mind to correlate the musical notation with the keyboard before he can make successful musical sounds.

Such primary, fundamental approaches must be used in learning to write a novel. First things first. The same with acquiring riches in any amount. A baby cannot walk before he learns to sit and stand up.

Somehow, when confronted with the learning process, the human mind frequently tricks us. Because the learning process is not visible, only as is apparent in the results of learning, one frequently forgets that proper learning calls for a step-by-step progressive process. Each new phase of learning is only as good as the one from which approach proceeded. Good learning means good comprehension and use of all the phases of the whole learning process in the field of one’s interest, whether art, music, needlework, house or bridge construction. No house roof ever hung in midair without walls of some kind to hold it up.


If one is going to be stubborn about something, let that something be worthwhile.


How teenagers can punch your ego.

  1. You think you are quite a good guy. The kids pick out your faults.
  2. You have certain ideas about life and people and the kids don’t agree.

Little kids fight, next minute they play – not grown-ups. They hug their preconceived ideas of ego and pride too closely.

You can think you are helping your child with advice (he welcomed it as a child). When the teenager is reached – your advice is boring. When they are little they love to hear about the things you did when you were growing up. A teenager is not interested. He is too busy living to be bothered with your old tales.

Children are only young once – enjoy each phase of their growing years.

27 May 1957

27 May 1957

A person that argues most of the time, that is, when his predominant characteristic is to challenge what anyone says – is it because that individual is on ground which is not firm? In other words – is he who gets angry and will argue at the drop of his hat do[ing] so because:

  1. He himself is unsure?
  2. He cannot explain his viewpoint, but insists on your agreement to quiet his own unsure notices?
  3. Or because he likes his viewpoint and wants nothing to challenge it?

A good teacher is one who knows his subject so well, he does not need to argue or become irritated. He can answer questions regarding his subject for teaching. He also is big enough to say, “I don’t know, or there is no sure answer” when that is the case – as in a social matter, where customs change.


Where there is so much emphasis on correctness and perfection, and not enough emphasis is placed on errors and mistakes, it is easy (under these circumstances) to give the impression that errors and mistakes, and [which are] essential toward perfection, are somehow taboo. More recognition should be given to the privilege of error as part of a learning process. Trial and error will always be part of the learning process.

Kurt, for instance, is so ready to call Billy a “poor sport”. By branding him constantly with the label “poor sport”, Kurt labels Billy as ignorant and/or stupid in the matter of good sportsmanship.

Name-calling is never the answer to a problem. It is merely labeling the problem and condemning the person having such a problem. Such an approach, even if it does name the problem, gives no solution to the problem. What is the answer to a problem?

In Billy’s case, it means recognizing the fact that Billy becomes angry with himself for not doing well say in a game of chess for instance. It might be well, then, to encourage him to think about or study the cause of his error. In the case of chess, it might mean the better use of a piece, one that Billy has trouble with so that he can improve his use of the piece.

The same could have been applied to baseball, for instance. Instead of calling him a lousy catcher, it might have been better to give him more catching practice.

Now, Kurt can say “I tried to pitch to him or, I tried to play chess with Bill. Bill just gets angry when he can’t win!” And Kurt would be right. But even as with all learning one can get too much at a time. The arm or the brain tires after a certain amount of effort.

What is necessary, then, is to gracefully call a halt, gracefully and truthfully call a halt. First by saying, “You’re getting tired. This is enough for now,” in the case of baseball. Or “Let’s finish this chess game” and suggesting concentration on study with the difficulty Bill experiences in his effort to win the game.

By using an approach of the kind suggested here, the emphasis is not on “winning” but on “learning how to win”. This emphasis is not on “how lousy you are” and “what a poor sport you are when you did not win”, but on a constructive approach to the problem of “how to win.”

Actually, when I stop to think of it, it could be incorrect tactics used on Billy in the past which keeps his attention concentrated on “winning” rather than on a careful thorough constructive attack on what he is not doing well.

This whole idea could be an article for “Your Life”. I believe that is what is wrong with many people. They concentrate on the result, rather than on how to obtain the result.

Men who want promotions.

Kids who want to measure up. There is not enough, “how can I achieve it”. There is too much emphasis on quote what I want to achieve” – the end result rather than the way to reach the result.


Many kinds of end results do not require expensive schooling. Libraries, inexpensive evening classes, or another person who has accomplished or achieved your result may be able to help you.

The primary objective must be on “how” rather than “what”. How can I do it, rather than what can I do. And the sad part of it is anyone, almost, can tell us what we can or should do but not how we can do it.

17 May 1957

17 May 1957

How about a piece about people who are certain they know all the answers – they are always “right” and know exactly what’s what! Ethel Thompson. (There is only one way of looking at anything you never question the old “wisdoms”)?

Blanche’s comment: When you get a straight-laced person in a conversation with an impulsive one – the sparks are bound to fly.

Also: Articles following out the “perverted proverbs”. Take a proverb and fit it into modern situation: i.e. “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.”

What happens to the man on the third shift? The business salesman entertaining customers into the wee hours?

Follow the thought through until the perversion becomes as ridiculous as it must, placed in the present day concepts.

Look up Ben Franklin’s Proverbs for ideas.

Maybe an American Weekly article.


  1. The home is no longer the stronghold of family influence.
  2. In our child centered society parents should be seen, scolded, and not heard.
  3. The old family strengths are expected of parents in a society where the family influences have given way to communication, transportation, and crowded community contacts – what can a parent do?
  4. The kids staying at Mrs. Hartig’s:
    1. Have no inner resources, no hobbies, nothing to draw on from inner resources.
    2. What is for them to do but hang around beer joints and bang up cars?
  5. Material has replaced inner satisfactions – money and possessions, however, bring no satisfactions!
  6. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing – you are denied the pleasure of knowing something you are interested in thoroughly. There is always a guilty feeling lurking behind you calling you a fake – pretending to be what you are not – receiving credit which you know you do not deserve.
  7. Fateca [?] – teachers hold back – make things look bad.
  8. Books on writing tell you the road to success is hard work – but don’t tell you exactly where the effort and hard work [that] is necessary for success lies.
  9. Billy’s math speech before the faculty: When Steigerwald commented: “A fine speech Bill, now confidentially, just what were you saying?” Billy answered: “Now what makes you so sure I know what I was talking about?”

3 May 1957

3 May 1957

Saw Barrie’s “Dear Brutus” last night at Eldred Hall in the company of Elsa Storey and Evelyn Kimmens. Kurt took both of them home. Charles [Kimmens] was graduating with a touch of fuss from a couple months instruction on new machines at Republic Steel’s classes for employees and couldn’t see the play.

Madam Grundy – we give service to you – you are not dead! You are the polite “should” or “ought to” – you are the mouthing politenesses people feel they should utter. Lip service needs to be paid you, but then you can be properly dismissed and the business at hand can then continue. Elsa said, when I commented to the effect we would take her home: “Oh! You do not need to do that. It will be out of the way for you!” (Did you hear Madam Grundy?)

And I acknowledged you [i.e. Madam Grundy], too.

I said: “Yes, we do not need to and it will be a dreadful five minutes out of the way, but we will take you home! Where are you parked, Kurt?”

Madam Grundy – you sure insist on not staying dead. Always, always – lip service to Madam Grundy before one can go about whatever what is going to do anyway – you always demand your pinch of salt, you old bag!

In this case homage was over in a moment. Golly! With Eva [it] takes so darn much wasted time before I can get down to business!! Madam Grundy you are sometimes a time-wasting problem!! And then there are those who use your skirts to get away with not doing what really could be done. Shirkers use your skirts to get away with selfishness of their own!!

You fraud; you old fraud. You are a pest!

Now that I have abused you, I must admit there is still some value in your old bones. Eventually you turn your spotlight quite clearly on the shirkers who hang behind your skirts. When they too openly use your skirts, you expose them as individuals.


Educational opportunities for women are geared to making them providers, a primarily male function, rather than women.


Women feel when they are establishing themselves with the prestige status of the economic male, they are successful as women.


Women point proudly to their achievements in the economic world, but do they have so much to be proud of in this achievement?


Are women selling themselves a false bill of goods when they measure themselves by male economic standards?

2 May 1957

2 May 1957

With Lydia on drama – she don’t [sic] like it! Especially modern musicals – “Guys and Dolls”. – Movies she likes.

Conformists – who live entirely to the public conscience – don’t have much fun. They live in a narrow world. They cluck over nonconformists to the public will because, underneath, the conformists suspect they are missing something – they are not living their own lives – they are living someone else’s version of what is the proper life. No fun!! Because they are not true to themselves and are trying to live in a narrow tightly bound world untainted by the opinions of 10 other people!

Marge and Roe seemed to want to see South Pacific because everyone wanted to and tickets were scarce – it was a triumph – a badge of social success for them.

How much of their interest was really – how much the sense of difficult-to-attain social distinction?

In certain respects, for the protection of life – we must all conform – but beyond basic essentials of food, shelter, law, . . . life is what you can make of it.

The more interests you have – the more adaptable to society you are – the more knowledge of variety the more you are interested in and, because, interesting. Who wants to see always nothing but the newest in stoves or refrigerators – what a narrow outlook!

The world is full of variety – yet most people see little, almost nothing of it. They are lost in contemplating refrigerators and stoves exclusively, daring not to take their eyes away, for fear the newest model stove will disappear.

1 May 1957

1 May 1957

Talked with Irene Dunkin about club work: P.T.A. beats [jumps the?] gun on Scholarship Fund – The other three P.T.A.s were scooped. They will join or give money as a threesome. Memorial has a clear field.

Mrs. Hartig – Looks over old papers and recalls individuals engendered [sic] by her clippings:

Picture of her date – Army man. The tall German fellow. She ditched him by sending him to the back of Dutch cafe [?] while she scurried home.

The fighter (G.I.) she sent to see whether a light was on at Clayton’s – She beat it into the house.

Yesterday: Kurt thinking I was politely wanting him to have a piece of cake, so I could eat it. I really didn’t want it.

How children’s books have changed: Aunt Roser’s horrible [German] children’s books – and the present day American beauties.


Religious art in the home of the past – and the present.

Writing’s an art – no one tells you it is a technique starting with grammar and construction. No wonder children scoff at the subject!

Writing is like learning to play an instrument. We would laugh at someone who thought they could play music because they have heard it but hadn’t studied it. Yet because we use and read writing we think we can write. Actually, writing is just as an exacting form of art as the art of playing the piano. Very few people can play by ear. Very few people can write simply by using the language or reading.

We eat a cake – we know it as such – we know roughly it takes flour, butter, eggs, and baking soda. But! In what measurements? To get certain results?

My recipe book – Each cook varies her basic recipes. It is the slight change that makes a particular dish. Exact instructions make the difference.

Mrs. Hartig’s best soup.

My keeping a special notebook of personalized recipes for my daughter.

Miss Dennis’ sister’s marriage and the recipe collections she made. Your favorite recipe, please, to help my sister get started!

Occasionally recipes need no change.

My lemon pie – cherry pie. Family preferences and my own preferences.

My mother’s reluctance to share recipes.

Mrs. Glover’s friend’s sister who would not share truthful recipes. It wasn’t until she left the country did she give her own sister her accurate recipes.

My talk with Mrs. Murzon – about her will. She did not know whether there actually is a will, or what is in it.

People labor under the assumption of what people say.

Mr. Murzon’s father: Sold his son his house cheap – got mad at him. Had envelopes of money for each child.

Estate settling can bring out the worst in humanity, emotions like I was the oldest – I did the most – my father said this – my mother said that – why  did my brother have to go to court?

The house was his – the money was all out [?] of the bank.


The outward expression of our economic life: Newspapers, magazines, books, T.V. – Do they really touch on what makes man think and do an action – Or does man think at all?

30 April 1957

30 April 1957 (What I have talked about with people)

1. Gas Co. put in pipe lines – our neighbors cannot wait until the contractor puts in the lawns. They are impatient, cannot stand to let the ground settle – wives (Mrs. Groan forces Mr. Groan to dig up grass.)

a. Women are tyrants?
b. What chance has a man when a woman makes up her mind?
c. Women always get their way.
d. What chance has a man against a determined woman, even though she is wrong! Mr. Groan submits to putting in the lawn – can’t wait for contractor – spend three days putting in lawn (because neighbors did). Rain causes ground to fall into holes.

Moral: Women should learn more patience.

− Women are unreasonable
− You can’t argue with a determined woman; you just don’t have a chance!

Mrs. Groan’s argument will be: “Well, at least it looked better during the time we were waiting for a contractor.”

Women are perfectionists.