9 March 1957

9 March 1957

Often the “baby”, the last child in the family, can be “spoiled” by the parents.

Write an article making a dog like “Ricky” the baby of the family. The idea being – how can a “dog” create hostilities in older children. A parent can spoil a dog, but should not spoil a child – even if it is the “baby” of the family. Maybe that is where the spoiling should take place – with a “Ricky”.


A parent like myself would never dare spoil the child like I have babied Ricky – Also remember how Helen Little resented as an adult – how her mother – took comfort from her dog in her 80s when her family was all grown up and about their world’s business. A grown-up may resent a dog – but a child may resent, but a dog is a lovable animal if it is loved – it has no pride, will stand abuse, and will forgive very readily many wrongs if they are followed by a kindly act from a child or a grown-up owner.

"Ricky" the family dog at the time