15 February 1957

15 February 1957

Zachmannisia for the day.

Of course, one never knows when one drops a pebble into the water how much ripple the water will make.


It seems the boys at KYW went to a P.T.A. square dance at the Northeast Y.M.C.A.


2/15/57 Mary Anderson called me today. She bid me correct my notes on the Bar Luncheon if I were going to give it for the P.T.A.

“Comay,” she says, “was speaking as a citizen of Israel.”

She had gotten into a big fight and argument with someone about it.

I explained my note taking was quite sketchy, being as I was talking a little with Mrs. Edelman. And, I believe it was my not-taking and my inattentiveness for a few moments.

When I write up my notes for the luncheon – Comay will speak as a citizen when speaking of Israel – and as a Jew when addressing the Jews to call forth “the great moral and spiritual dynamism of the early prophets.”

Could be I might unconsciously have some kind of prejudice,too?


It is spelled “B’nai B’rith.

I wonder what “B’nai B’rith” means in Hebrew.