12 April 1957
Write an article sometime about this theme:
- We are interested in results – but not in what it takes to obtain results.
- The youngster who wants to play music but is not interested in exercises and practice.
- My father’s methodical patience and exactness in fixing the heel of my shoe.
- Golfers – any sport, takes practice and more practice of detailed fundamentals.
- Our modern world of citizens (with the come easy, go easy way of life – in with the new out with the old) has lost the pleasure of craftsmanship. They have lost the deep satisfaction of a job thoroughly and well done.
- Haste in our modern generation creates unhappy individuals because we are jacks of many floating knowledges, but masters of none. How many modern people know one subject well – in spite of TV quiz shows? We are being cheated of satisfaction when there is nothing we do well.
- Generalized education – liberal education is excellent, but we should learn one thing we like to do well, for our own sake, even if it is a hobby.
- Some people like to play chess or games of cards (bridge – as an expert).
- Some (although this is limited by age) like perfection in sports. Where age makes one passive participation rather than active etc.
- Be an expert in some one interest of your own, and you have the key to personal happiness – not for the sake of being an expert (although this lends prestige at times) but because of the deep satisfaction of giving yourself full knowledge or sustaining interest in a subject of interest.
[There are a couple of paragraphs inserted here, copied from “Writing Juvenile Fiction” by Phyllis A. Whitney. The journal entry then continues:]
I must try always, if I must improve technique to study only from books containing such material – not organizational books for organization – techniques alone. Instead, I must remember books which give techniques and practical writing lessons for the reader.
Other exploratory ideas:
Why learn new things (as an adult) the hard way? As a starting point for new adult interests, try children’s books in your main branch Library. Perfectly amazing what you can find to stir you to new trends! When venturing into a new subject – be a child and learn as a child – from the beginning. Your maturity will help you catch up to the learned adult books which only confuse you if you start with them.
Example: Helen Little’s interests in stone carving.
Don’t be insulted – no insult is intended – but a child learns from scratch – it makes it easier for you if you start there,too. Foreigners learn from children (to speak) like Dada.
So, you are a wise adult – much wiser in your grown-upness than a child?
Have you read your child’s school textbooks? Do you know everything in them? Or have you forgotten a bit, grown hazy regarding your child’s subjects.
No time for such nonsense? Too many adult things to do? Then don’t expect your youngsters to admire your ignorance. They will be polite, but your ignorance is apparent to them. Of course, you can beat them if they dare defy your adult know-it-all-ness.
An article about school textbooks bridging the gap between parent and child.
What happened to parent purchased textbooks. Now parents have none; do not see what their children are learning. School supplies the books. Study halls make much of the school homework a school function. Parent only gets a quick glimpse of a book – The child needs it for study.
How I value my college, self-purchased textbooks.
I wish I had my child’s textbooks at home.
A parent remains ignorant when a school supplies the textbooks.
The gap between child and parent is greater, etc.
Parent misses out on a second chance for education. Are you so secure in your adulthood – you don’t care?