14 March 1957

14 March 1957

This morning I am in a fighting mood. I want to stamp my feet, punch something – scream!! People, including businessmen, laborites, and politicians – especially politicians!! Who-oo! Sheep, that’s what people are – SHEEP!!! A herd stampeding!! Someone cracked the whip – and the stampede is on!! We can even sell $500 modern art books at Eldred Hall!!! Someone must’ve said – modern art is the ultra-in artistic!! Drop Daduh [sic]!! Some are saying – the budget is too high? Outcome all the political hatchet men to individually shot to pieces all budgets. Oh–h–h!!!! Laotian almost looks like a hero, even if he, too, is a stupid politician. At least is not a sheep!!

All we have in this big glorious U.S. is many, many sheep!! SHEEP!!!

These brains are so atrophied from personal disuse the capacity for adult thinking is an anachronism!! Anyone who does use that hunk of gray matter under his skull runs the risk of being trampled under the stampeding herd!!!!

We are so used to seeing people in masses – like the modern art artists; we are so sold on the faceless mass of humanity, we worship at the altar of facelessness.

Where are the artists of all kinds who can see clearly the human being under the hat in a jam-packed subway of New York when four tall men squeeze all but his hat from view?


Oh–h–h!!!! Oversize athletes, dirty racketeers, gamblers setting up phony athletic games and horse betting races, while children go to ballparks to see their highly esteemed fathers slobbering up liquor and spilling beer over their children and ballparks! Kids – don’t talk to me about kids – grown-ups set the examples!!

Mrs. Branchik never knew what a tremendous truth she uttered at the Den Mother’s meeting.


Quoting A. P. Giannini founder 1870 to 1949 Bank of America from this bank’s annual report 1956”

“I think what I am most proud of is anything I may have done to help with the humanization of banking. Space. Space. I do business that way because I believe business can be transacted more quickly and satisfactorily if it is done humanly and simply. What is business – banking business or any other kind of business? Isn’t it fundamentally the mutual fulfillment of material human needs? And isn’t the whole structure of modern business based on the trust people have in each other?”

Well said, Mr. Giannini – too bad there are so many people who think business is some sterile process, statistical, and robotlike manufactured for the supreme effort to making more greenbacks, forgetting that money, like labor, is a medium of exchange to fulfil human wants, not frivolities!! for the benefit of a power-hungry Midas.
